
Thailand’s largest market – Chatuchak Weekend Market

發表時間:2023-12-18 15:56:30 官方媒体/网络新闻

乍都乍週末市場,位於泰國曼谷乍都乍縣,是泰國最大的市集,佔地約140,000平方米,於1982年開始營業,至今已有41年。 市場裡約有1萬5千個攤位左右,大部分攤位只於週末營業,粗略估計每個營業日約有20萬旅客到訪,這裡深受當地人和遊客的歡迎。

市場裡除了遊客愛買的伴手禮,手工香皂、香氛蠟燭、大象圖案的服裝和紀念品、泰絲披肩、泰國藥品、零食果乾等等,還有二手服裝、時尚配件、新書和二手書籍 、泰國手工藝品、居家裝飾、植物花卉、瓷器等等,可謂琳瑯滿目,應有盡有。



搭乘BTS前往:從 BTS Mo Chit站1號出口出,跟著沿路的指示牌即可到達乍都乍市場;
搭乘MRT前往:從 MRT Khamphaeng Phet站1號出口出,或從 MRT Chatuchak Park站1號出口出,跟著沿路的指示牌即可到達乍都乍市場。

Chatuchak Weekend Market, located in Chatuchak County, is the largest market in Thailand, covering an area of ​​approximately 140,000 square meters. It was opened in 1982 and has been in business for 41 years. There are about 15,000 stalls in the market, most of which are only open on weekends. It is roughly estimated that about 200,000 tourists visit every business day. It is very popular with locals and tourists. Kaixin100内容管理系统

In addition to souvenirs that tourists love to buy, such as handmade soaps, scented candles, elephant-pattern clothing and souvenirs, Thai silk shawls, Thai medicines, snacks and dried fruits, etc., the market also has second-hand clothing, fashion accessories, new books and second-hand books, Thai handicrafts, home decorations, plants and flowers, porcelain, etc.

Readers who want to go are advised to wear comfortable clothes and shoes, wear a sun hat, prepare cash, leave enough time, download the map APP, and then you can enjoy shopping at Chatuchak Market!

The transportation around Chatuchak Market is also very convenient. You can reach it by taking the BTS Skytrain or the MRT subway.
By BTS: Take Exit 1 of BTS Mo Chit Station and follow the signs along the road to Chatuchak Market
By MRT: Take Exit 1 of MRT Khamphaeng Phet Station or Exit 1 of MRT Chatuchak Park Station. Follow the signs along the road to reach Chatuchak Market.





​Copywriter: Thai Associated Press Editorial Department
Pictures: Some illustrations come from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it.
Source of material: official media/online news copyright kaixin100

