
How hot is it in Phuket? A guy forgot the shrimp under the motorcycle seat and smothered the shrimp

發表時間:2024-04-09 16:55:29 泰聯社

泰聯社訊  2024年4月9日,一TikTok用戶在普吉島發布了一則短視頻,視頻裡他從摩托車座位下的儲物區裡取出一袋蝦,發現生蝦已經變紅,並配文“#泰國的太陽#普吉島的太陽有多熱?”,僅僅兩天瀏覽量就已經超過420萬次。不少網友發表評論,例如:新菜單:車座上的烤蝦;今天早上騎車去上班,一會兒雞蛋就熟了;加點粉絲就可以做粉絲悶蝦了等等。

發布影片的是19歲的Kornphakwat Phuwanaipradit先生,他表示他在早上8點左右從超市買了蝦,把它們放在摩托車座椅下就騎車前往學校,到學校忘記把蝦拿出來了。當他回到摩托車附近時聞到一股臭味。當他把蝦子從車上拿出來時,發現蝦子變成了橙色,像煮熟了一樣。

On April 9, 2024, a TikTok user posted a short video in Phuket. In the video, he took out a bag of shrimp from the storage area under the motorcycle seat and found that the raw shrimp had turned red, with the text " # Thailand的日#How hot is the sun in Phuket?”, it has been viewed more than 4.2 million times in just two days. Many netizens commented, for example: new menu: grilled shrimp on the car seat; I rode to work this morning and the eggs were cooked in a while; you can make vermicelli stuffed shrimp by adding some vermicelli, etc.
copyright kaixin100

The person who posted the video was 19-year-old Kornphakwat Phuwanaipradit. He said that he bought shrimps from the supermarket at around 8 a.m., put them under the seat of his motorcycle and rode to school. When he arrived at school, he forgot to take out the shrimps. When he returned to the motorcycle he smelled a foul odor. When he took the shrimp out of the car, he noticed they had turned orange, as if they were cooked.


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Source of material: official media /online news