
During the Songkran Festival, Thailand generated a total of approximately 2.89 billion baht in liquidity.

發表時間:2024-04-18 17:27:08 泰聯社

泰聯社訊  近日,根據泰國國家旅遊局統計數據,2024年4月11至15日期間前往拉差丹嫩路和皇家田廣場慶祝的遊客達784,883人,其中泰國遊客居多,高達693,288人,外國遊客數量為91,595人,外國遊客主要來自歐洲和亞洲。



Recently, according to statistics from the Tourism Authority of Thailand, 784,883 tourists went to Ratchadamnoen Road and Royal Fields Plaza to celebrate between April 11 and 15, 2024. Among them, Thai tourists accounted for the majority at 693,288, and foreign tourists numbered 91,595. People, foreign tourists mainly come from Europe and Asia.

There are more than 500 shops near the event area, which has increased the income of more than 2,000 people. The sales of the shops reached 9.33 million baht, generating a total of approximately 2.89 billion in working capital.

Survey data from the National Tourism Administration shows that most Thai and foreign tourists are satisfied with this year's Songkran Festival activities.


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Source of material: official media /online news