
A tourist boat caught fire in Ayutthaya, but fortunately there were no casualties

發表時間:2024-04-17 18:12:17 泰聯社

泰聯社訊  2024年4月16日下午2點30分左右,在大城府湄南河中部的一艘遊船突然起火,大城府政府工作人員立即動員消防隊員前往救援。大火被撲滅後,整艘船被燒毀,所幸無人員傷亡。


遊船經營者Natnicha Sondee 女士表示,涉事船隻使用了3年左右,有辦理乘船旅客保險,船上有救生衣。


At around 2:30 pm on April 16, 2024, a cruise ship suddenly caught fire in the middle of the Chao Phraya River in Ayutthaya Province. Ayutthaya government staff immediately mobilized firefighters to rescue. After the fire was extinguished, the entire ship was burned, but fortunately there were no casualties.

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According to people familiar with the matter, the boat belonged to a restaurant. At the time of the incident, tourists were dining on the boat. Suddenly there was a burning smell and a cloud of smoke, and the fire spread. Fortunately, there was another cruise ship near the incident ship, and with the help of this cruise ship, the tourists were safely transferred.

Ms. Natnicha Sondee, the tour boat operator, said that the boat involved was about 3 years old, had passenger insurance, and had life jackets on board.

The Ayutthaya Police Department and the Marine Department initially concluded that the cause of the accident may be a gas leak, causing a loss of approximately 3 million baht.


​Copywriter: Thai Associated Press Editorial Department


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Source of material: official media /online news